JECS Trust
Discover us
The JECS Trust was formally set up in December 2007 to oversee the expenditure of funds passed on to the European Ceramic Society (ECerS) by the Society’s Journal and by its publisher, Elsevier.
In its allocation of the Trust’s ressources, the Trust Council aims :
- To enable the European Ceramic Societies to engage in a broad range of activities for the benefit of its membership.
- To strengthen research and teaching in Europe within the subject of ceramics
- To maintain and build on the current strong position of the Journals: Journal of ECerS and Open Ceramics
The main focus in the expenditure of Trust money is towards student/young researcher activities, but not exclusively so.
Latest news
Interview by Elsevier of Maria Canillas, guest editor for 2 special issues in Open Ceramics!
Maria was guest editor for the 2022 Special Issue "Young Ceramicists in the Spotlight" and the 2023 Special Issue on "Next frontier bioceramics: improvements from collaborative and multi-disciplinary approaches"
Next Deadline to apply to the JECS Trust is 30th November 2024!
Please note that the decisions of the JECS Trust board will not be known before end of February 2025. Activities submitted for the deadline of 30th November 2024 for support from the JECS Trust should then not begin before mid-March 2025.
Contact us for any information : - We will respond to your enquiry as soon as possible.